Welcome to AREYLight AI
We create awareness in lighting units
how to use their energy autonomously
in efficient way to reduce costs & expenses
%60 Saving on Costs
AREYLight Reduces Energy Consumption using AI Ready
Conserve $12M out of $20M
Proactive Maintenance
Reduce costs by predicting problems in advance or in real time with awareness struct
Efficiency Smart City

Intelligent lights seamlessly coordinated the perfect ambiance while reducing energy costs providing a more sustainable future
That energy efficiency more affordable than ever helping cities to save money
Making a significant contribution to the fight against climate change.
With this game-changing technology the future of city lighting has never been cooler or more exciting.
Use Cases of AREYLight AI Applications
Use Cases for Indoor applications

Redefine Energytech Conserve electricity usage by AI
Connected Smart Light Conrol
AREYLight provides proactive lighting control technology needed by vehicles and pedestrians.
Lights will intelligently turning on when light is required
And We make learn street lights when and how to use their powers
In this way, Energy is consume only as needed.

AREYLight AI features X times faster Roi than other Green Solutions
Efficiency Empowers Sustainability: Harnessing Current Energy Wisely the Greener and Cheaper Way !

We make it quite easy
The transformation process of AREYTech Smart Cities
- FeasibilityRequirement analysis#1We examine the needs and requirements.
- InstallationPlacing Hardwares#2Autonomous Control Units, especially Lighting systems are installation takes place
- Communication PlatformConnected IoT Architecture#3The installed systems become ready for control by communicating between each other. So, Efficiency, Security and all the needs the city demands
- Self LearningUnmanned Smart System#4Numerous autonomous units start learning from the start to set up to maximize efficiency and better control results
AREYLight AI nominated for Future Unicorn Awards by DigitalEuropa
Reach Future Unicorn Awards page
We make learn lights when and how Use Their Powers
AREYLight Autonomy-Tech
AREYLight ensures that lighting units can be controlled remotely without the need for infrastructural change.
The solution makes cities autonomous while reducing expenses, returning on investments and efficiency. Smart units turn into Autonomous Lighting groups with neural network communication.
Our proprietary algorithms allow for affordable efficiency gains on a scale that could not be obtained before
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